September is National Emergency Preparedness Month:
These links contain information for you, your family, pets and your business to be better prepared for an emergency incident.
Ready.Gov. - Plan, Prepare & Stay Informed:
This FEMA website will help anyone from kids to adults with information on developing a family and business plan in the event of an emergency.
Salvation Army:
Red Cross:
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention:
Informational & Organizational Links:
International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM): Information on upcoming conferences, how to obtain your CEM certification and much more.
FEMA Emergency Management Institute: Emergency preparedness on-line training courses.
These links contain information for you, your family, pets and your business to be better prepared for an emergency incident.
Active Shooter Video - RUN-HIDE-FIGHT
With business & school shootings, this is a simple video to help remind everyone on what you can do to help yourself and others if you find yourself in an active shooter situation.